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Country: Germany
Place: Ludwigshafen

Here are your results (6):
Germany Ludwigshafen

Wöllner GmbH, Ein Unternehmen der Woellner Group


Bleaching agents and aids · Detergents · Dispersants · Defoamers, antifoams · Fixatives · Flocculation agents · Flotations agents · Auxiliary chemicals for the paper industry, additives for paper · Anti-slime agents · Interfering substance control agent · Adhesives · Waste water purifying aids · Waste paper preparation aids · Deinking agents · Felt cleaning and washing agents · Cleaning agents · Wire cleaning agents · Fungicides, fungicide · Wire conditioning agents · Sludge dewatering agents · Sodium silicate · Enzymes · Biocides, biocide · Silicic acids, silicates · Biochemicals, bio technology