India Kamalapuram BILT Ballarpur Industries Ltd, Unit Kamalapuram Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Czech Republic Paskov Biocel Paskov a.s. Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Singapore Singapore Bracell Ltd, Corporate Office Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Brazil Cambara do Sul Cambara S.A. Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Sulphite pulps, bleached, long fibred · Fluff pulps · Dissolving pulps
China Chengdu Chengdu Huaming Boli Paper Co Ltd Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps · Glass fibre papers
USA Cosmopolis Cosmo Specialty Fibers Inc., Gores Group Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Canada Vancouver Fortress Global Enterprises Inc., Head Office / Holding Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board · Paper and board converters Dissolving pulps · Banknote papers · Security papers · Account books
Canada Thurso Fortress Specialty Cellulose Ltd Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Brazil Indianópolis LD Celulose S.A., Joint Venture between Austrian Lenzing and Brazilian Dexco Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Canada Vancouver Neucel Specialty Cellulose Ltd Vancouver Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Japan Gotsu Nippon Paper Industries Co Ltd, Gotsu Mill Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
USA Cloquet Sappi North America Inc., Cloquet Mill Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps · Pulps, misc.
South Africa Umkomaas Sappi Saiccor Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Canada Terrace Bay Terrace Bay Pulp Inc., Aditya Birla Group Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
India Rayonpuram The Travancore Rayons Limited Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board Dissolving pulps
Serbia Loznica Viskoza-Loznica Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board · Paper and board converters Dissolving pulps · Flexible packages, flexible packaging