'Memorial slip' - a negative experience even in the past

Every now and then, probably everyone would like to give a 'memorial slip' to somebody - in German that means to teach someone a lesson for bad or incorrect behaviour. But did you know that a 'memorial slip' literally existed?

Memorial slip - a product of the paper industry should make you think twice about bad behaviour.
© Photo by Gerd Altmann at Pixabay

A memorial slip (in German 'Denkzettel') is either a punishment intended to make a person think twice about his/her behaviour or an unpleasant experience intended to teach a person a lesson.

In the 16th century, students in monastery schools and other educational institutions were given so-called memorial slips hung on a string around their necks for repeated offenses against the order of the respective institute, on which the offenses were listed.

Depending on the nature of the misdemeanor, the students had to wear these slips for several days during their free walks and during classes to the ridicule of their fellow students. From this derives the modern sense of the term 'memorial slip'. Being ridiculed by a memorial slip in front of all others will probably be remembered for a long time.

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